Spring 2023 Fall 2023 class recording policy
All classes, except clinic courses, will be recorded by default this semester. Student After the add/drop period, student access to view recordings will be by permission of the instructor. To adjust access to the recordings, please email av.law@yale.edu.
During the add/drop period, all class recordings remain in the Media Library of your Canvas course site and are available to students to view until the end of the day, February 3September 13, unless one of the following applies:
You are teaching a first-term course. First-term courses are not open to browsing.
You are teaching a clinic.
You have opted out by emailing av.law@yale.edu to request that we do not allow students to view classes recorded during add/drop and/or religious holidays.
After the add/drop period, student access to view all other class recordings will be by permission of the instructor only.
You may opt out by emailing av.law@yale.edu to request that all enrolled students are given access to view all class recordings.
We can set up a recording so only an individual student can view it for a defined period. This is a special request and must be specified when the request to allow access to a recording is made.
For Spring Fall 2023, the add/drop period begins Tuesday, January 17 at Wednesday, August 30 at 8:30 AM and concludes at 84:30 AM Tuesday, January 24PM Friday, September 8. If you have opted out of add/drop viewing, we will not make your recordings available on Canvas.
All class recordings are kept for a full academic year after the year they were recorded. Each June, we will delete all recordings from the previous academic year. Class recordings can be found on Canvas under the Media Library link in each course. Faculty with questions about this policy can contact me Stephen.Baraquin@yale.edu.
Religious Holidays
We use the religious holiday calendar provided by the Yale University Chaplain’s Office to determine which holidays have work restrictions. For Fall 2023, we will automatically post recordings of your class (except clinic and first-term courses) for the religious holidays listed below unless you have opted out.
Rosh Hashanah: Sunset Friday, September 15 to nightfall September 17
Yom Kippur: Sunset Sunday, September 24 to nightfall Monday, September 25
Sukkot: Sunset Friday, September 29 to nightfall October 1
Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah: Sunset Friday, October 6 to nightfall October 8
By default, access to view class recordings is restricted. Please email av.law@yale.edu to make class recordings for a specific religious holiday available to students.
Individual student requests for synchronous attendance for access to an in-person class via a Zoom meeting cannot be supported.
If you require specialized technological support, for example, a synchronous Zoom meeting to allow a guest lecturer to present, please contact av.law@yale.edu as soon as possible to ensure adequate support is available.