For information about your office, contact:
203 432-4041
203 432-4786 |
Office Computer
Computer Setup
Law School offices are setup with either a Windows desktop computer or a monitor, keyboard, and mouse for docking a personal laptop. Windows desktop computers have the following software installed: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Zoom video-conferencing, Virus/Malware Protection, Chrome and Firefox browsers and Code42 backup software. Please login to your YLS office computer using your Yale NetID and NetID password.
Info |
If you need statistical or other software please let us know via email at law.help@yale.edu or phone the YLS IT Helpdesk at (203) 432-0821. |
Data on all Yale Law School computers are backed up using Code42, a cloud based automatic data backup tool. Code42 is setup on all office computers.
High-speed printer/scanners are available throughout the Law School building. To inquire and setup your laptop to work with the multifunction printer closest to your office, please contact the YLS IT help desk at 203 432 0821 or via email at law.help@yale.edu.