Frequently Referenced Policies & Information

Frequently Referenced Policies & Information

Occasionally, the purchase that you are trying to make or expense that you are trying to process doesn’t fit neatly into a policy. If you are having trouble with determining how to accommodate this, please reach out to your contact in the Business Office who can help with interpreting policy or guiding you on next steps.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are looking for a policy that is not listed below, it is easiest to use an internet search engine such as Google and enter the key words of “Yale Policy” and the general expense category or topic you are researching such as “gifts”.




Yale Purchasing Policy 3201 


Yale University personnel must purchase goods and services in accordance with this policy and applicable federal and state laws.  Purchases with University funds must be supported by a valid business reason. 

Transaction Control Number


This is the site you visit to retrieve unique numbers from Yale for your SIRs and other university enumerated transactions.

Yale Travel on University Business Policy 3301 


Travelers are expected to spend Yale funds prudently (and in accordance with sponsor requirements when the travel is supported by a sponsor award), follow the travel policy and its related procedures, and obtain reimbursement for all expenses on a timely basis to meet compliance requirements.  Business travel expenses will be paid by Yale if they are reasonable, necessary, and meet policy and compliance requirements

Yale Airfare Codes


Comprehensive list of airfare codes and their corresponding class of service

Yale Travel Arrangements for University Business 3301 PR.01 


This procedure supports Policy 3301 Travel on University Business  It details the processes and the related expectations and guidelines generally applicable to travel on University business.

Note: While portions of this procedure relate generally to air travel on University business, refer to Procedure 3301 PR.03 Air Travel on University Business for specific air travel-related processes, expectations, and guidelines.

Yale Accounting for Air Travel Expenses 


Travelers are expected to book the lowest available economy class airfare, consistent with business requirements. To take advantage of any University-negotiated discounts, travelers must make reservations using Egencia or the University’s preferred full-service travel agency. For travel on sponsored awards, please refer to Procedure 3301 PR.01 Travel Arrangements for University Business, Section 6 - Air Travel Supported by a Sponsored Award.

Yale Business Meals 3302


The scope of this policy is the maintenance of appropriate and reasonable guidelines for expenditures relating to business meals, entertainment, and other social events conducted in connection with University business.

Yale Gifts from University Funds


This policy discusses the limitations placed on gifts that may be made from University funds, including gifts collected at the University for the benefit of third parties, expressions of sympathy or employee recognition, development gifts, gifts to public officials, and limits on charging instructions.

Yale Controller’s Office Factsheet


The Controller’s Office Factsheet is a summary of frequently used financial and administrative information.

Yale Expense Report Checklist


 Detailed explanation on the requirement information and documentation when reporting expenses or requesting reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.

Yale Tax Exempt Certificate

For more information visit Sales and Use Tax.

The University has sales tax exemption certificates (Connecticut Forms CERT-123) on file with many local hotels and restaurants (view list of vendors)If you would like someone added to the list please reach out to the Business Office.

Sales Tax Exemption for Meals & Lodging While Traveling

Currently, the University qualifies for travel related sales tax exemption for a number of states. To determine if the state you are traveling to is exempt, please contact the YLS Business Office to discuss.

Certain lodging and meal expenses incurred while traveling on University business may be exempt from state sales tax provided the:

  • State allows an exemption for meals and/or lodging expenses, 

  • University holds a state sales tax exemption certificate in the state of travel, where required, and

  • University makes payments directly to the hotel or restaurant using a Yale Purchasing Card or check.

Key Financial Policy Highlights Quick Reference


This guide provides key high-level highlights from the outlined policies, procedures, and subject matter areas:

  • Travel, Meals, & Entertainment

  • Gifts from University Funds

  • >120 day reimbursement taxability

  • University Signature Authority


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