Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



How Can the Business Office Help?

The Business Office staff can assist in the payments of goods and services to vendors as well as reimbursements to individuals for costs incurred as part of University business.

What Are the Options to Pay Individuals and Vendors through the Business Office?

If an Invoice is provided, we pay the Vendor as a Supplier Invoice

If an Invoice is not provided (Honorariums, Stipends, Prizes, Non-Employee Reimbursements), we pay the Individual as a Supplier Invoice Request

All Reimbursements to University Employees (Faculty, Staff, Student-Workers, Casuals, Temporaries etc.) should be done as an Expense Report

What Payment Methods Are Available for Payment?

We Offer the option of Check, ACH/Direct Deposit (Domestic Financial Institutions), Wire (International Financial Institutions), and direct payments to Vendors can be made by using an Individual or Department Purchasing Card (P-Card).


How Do I Set-Up Vendors and Individuals to be Paid by ACH/Direct Deposit?

To have ACH/Direct Deposit added as a Payment Method, this FORM (linked) must be completed and sent to supplier.change@yale.edu with supporting documentation

How do I update Supplier information i.e. update an address, update banking, etc?

Complete the Supplier Change Request Form and submit a request via email to supplier.change@yale.edu.

Do I need a W-9 for Reimbursing a Non-Employee?

Yes, a W9 should be provided for each new supplier setup in Workday.

How Do I Reimburse a Student?

To reimburse a Student, you must first determine whether or not the Student is a Yale University Employee. This can quickly be done, by Searching the Student’s Name in Workday and seeing if the Title Employee populates next to the Name.

If the Student is a University Employee, please Contact Nikitia Tillman nikitia.tillman@yale.edu in the Business Office to have the Student added to your delegate list in Workday with the Name and NetID of the Student.  Once the name has been added, you may prepare an Expense Report on their behalf.

If the Student is not a University Employee, please follow the process for reimbursing a Yale Non-Employee through Supplier Invoice Requests.

How Do I Pay a Visitor?

To Pay a Visitor, please collect the necessary supporting documentation from the individual (receipts, applicable tax forms etc.) and follow the process for Paying a Yale Non-Employee through Supplier Invoice Requests.

How Do I know What Documents to Collect from a Non-US Individual or Business when attempting to remit a Payment?

In the Business Office we recommend starting with the University’s International Tax Office’s Payment Planning Tool. For unique cases please contact the Business Office.

How Do I Obtain a P-Card?

Purchasing Cards also known as P-Cards can be issued as Individual or Department Cards. Please Contact Jennifer Truong jennifer.truong@yale.edu in the Business Office to have one requested for you.
Read Additional Information on the University’s Policy and Procedure on Purchasing Cards.