YLS Community Guide


The main building (also known as the Sterling Law Building) address is 127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT  06510.  Mail should be addressed to Yale Law School, PO Box 208215, New Haven, CT  06520-8215. The Baker Hall address is 100 Tower Parkway, New Haven, CT  06510.  Baker Hall mail is delivered to the main building. 

Admissions Office

Located on the first floor of Ruttenberg Hall, the Admissions Office is responsible for processing and reviewing all JD applications to the Law School, including fees and deposits, and arranging for faculty file review.  Once a class has matriculated, the responsibility for the students is transferred to the Registrar’s Office.   

Alumni and Development Office

Located on the twelfth floor of 157 Church St., New Haven, CT, the Alumni Office handles the annual Alumni Weekend (in the fall) and the coordination of many alumni events throughout the year.  Please visit the Alumni Affairs website for more information. The Development Office raises funds for operational and special needs of the law school.  Please visit the Development Office for more information.


The staff member is responsible for contacting his/her supervisor if the staff member will be out sick.  Vacation time needs to be requested as far in advance as possible.   All C&T and M&P staff use the “My Time” system to record time and to track and request paid time off. Log in to MyTime via It's Your Yale.    Instructions for accessing and recording time can be found under “MyTime” and “MyTime Resources.” 

Audio Visual Services

As part of the IT Services Department on the lower level of the Library, Audio Visual Services is responsible for set up, recording, and producing of audio and video recording in the Law School.  All of the classrooms have been updated to handle this equipment.  These services are also often utilized to capture lectures, panel discussions and other events at the school. For additional information or to request AV services, visit IT at Yale or Audio Visual Requests.


Yale University offers many outstanding benefits to its employees.  There are the obvious ones, such as medical, dental, and life insurance coverage, but there are also concerts, lectures, athletic events, museum exhibits, recreational facilities, and learning opportunities.  You can learn about the most up-to-date benefits by visiting the It's Your Yale link. 


For C&T Staff, there are two 15-minute breaks in a 7.5 hour workday (not including lunch).  Please note that there is no “piggybacking” of breaks—if you miss a break, you lose it—it cannot be added to the next break. 

Building Services

Located on the first floor of the main building, Building Services is responsible for all maintenance and repair issues around the Law School.  Examples include: keys, plumbing, electrical, water, heating/cooling, dorm rooms, furniture, and office moves.  Please contact them at 432-4980 for any repairs or service requests.  Also, telephone moves/adds/changes, updates to the telephone and fax list, and coffee makers and water coolers in the lounges go through this office.   

Building Services is also the contact point to reserve rooms, classrooms, and conference rooms Room Reservations.  

Bursary Students

Please see Student Employment.  

Business Cards

Are printed through the Office of Public Affairs, which ensures the continuity of the typeface, logo, and standard language.  Usually, business cards are approved only for M&Ps and faculty members.  A copy of the business card policy is available through the Office of Public Affairs and Communications. 

Business Office

Located on the second floor of Ruttenberg Hall, the Business Office handles a myriad of Law School matters that involve finances.  For example: Expense reimbursements, purchasing of supplies and equipment, budgeting, and invoice payment. For complete information, go to the YLS Business Office website.  

Business Travel

Travelers are expected to submit reimbursement requests with required supporting documentation within 10 business days of incurring the expense or returning from the trip.  Out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. airfare, conference fees, mileage, hotel, meals, books, etc.) older than 120 days will NOT be reimbursed.  If you use personal funds to purchase airfare, pay conference fees, etc. in advance, you DO NOT have to wait until completion of the trip to submit these expenses- they can be reimbursed at the time they are incurred.  You may also refer to the complete Travel Policy 3301 at Policy 3301 Travel on University Business.   

Calendar of Events

An online calendar of Law School happenings is posted on the YLS Website.  The calendar is maintained through the Office of Public Affairs.  

Campus Mail

Delivery of inter-office and first-class mail around the University is handled by campus mail.  These items are dropped off, and delivered to, the Law School mailroom located on the second floor of the main building in the student commons area.  Do not use campus mail for intra-office mail within the Law School (boxes for staff, professors, and departments are located in the Law School mailroom for that purpose). 

Career Development Office

Located on the first floor of Ruttenberg Hall, the Career Development Office (CDO) is responsible for assisting law students and alumni seeking employment in both the private and public sectors.  This office runs two job fairs annually, which facilitate employer/student contact (the Fall Interview Program—FIP, and Spring Interview Program—SIP), maintains information on judicial clerkships, employers, and other job information, and holds seminars for students on various areas of legal employment.  For more information visit the YLS Career Development Office.


The Law School Dining Hall has catering services available during the academic year to handle your events. A request form is online at Yale Law Dining . New users should go to the site and click on the “Contact Us” button which is located on the top right hand side of the page to request a login in name and password.   Please contact the Dining Hall Manager, at 2-0446 if you need additional information.  During the Summer, catering services are available from University Catering.  University Catering during the summer is requested by completing a Request for Services form from: Yale Catering Catertrax or Yale Express Catertrax 

Cell Phone Use

Please be courteous and considerate when using your cell phone at work.  Those with office mates should keep the phone on vibrate and take personal calls out of the office where no one else will be disturbed.  Generally, cell phone use should be limited to emergencies, breaks and lunch.   


There are several faculty run Centers located in the Law School.  The most up to date information on these programs can be found under Center & Workshops at Yale Law School . 


Classrooms are located in the main building and at Baker Hall, 100 Tower Parkway, New Haven, CT.  They have been renovated to state-of-the-art standards, including laptop ports, audio-visual capabilities, variable lighting, and sound systems.  Classrooms are assigned for courses by the Registrar’s Office, and can be reserved for other functions through Building Services by emailing Room Reservations.    


The University occasionally closes due to weather issues.  The official site for closing notifications can be found at Emergency Management.  You may also call 203-432-SNOW. 

Compressed Time

During the summer months, staff may elect to work a compressed schedule.  The parameters of compression and flex time are outlined in an annual memo that is distributed by the Human Resources Department.  Questions may be directed to Human Resources at 203-432-4826. 

Computer Services

See Information Technology Services.  


Many conferences and workshops are held throughout the year, both on-site and in other locations. Meeting rooms can be reserved through Building Services, posters/promotional materials can be produced by the Office of Public Affairs and YPPS, and food can be ordered from the Dining Hall.  However, please check with the Business Office for the most up-to-date information regarding charging and billing policies as soon as you have the dates and location details for your conference and before you begin making arrangements.  The law school also has a Conference and Events Specialist who can assist with guidance at 203-436-8408. 

Contracts (Labor)

The contract covering Local 34 and 35 staff is available at It's Your Yale under Work at Yale>Union-Management Relations Department.  


Most departments have a copier located in their areas.  There are also group copiers located in the file rooms on the Grove Street side of the building (Room 245 and Room 345), and in Ruttenberg Hall (Room 265).  An account code is needed for these machines, which can be obtained through the Business Office.  Maintenance on these copiers, including paper supplies, is coordinated through Building Services. 

Course Management System

The law school uses Canvas as its online program for law courses.  Reading assignments, lecture notes, notices and announcements can all be posted for individual classes.  Questions about Canvas should be directed to IT Services. 

Course Materials

The Law School uses the local TYCO Print&Promo store to reproduce and distribute some course materials and course packets.  

Custodial Services

There is a custodial crew and they are responsible for the care and cleaning of the classrooms, hallways, rest rooms and individual offices.  During the day, custodial needs are handled through Building Services.  If you should need assistance you can contact Building Services for more information. 

Dean’s Office

The Dean’s Office is located on the first floor of the main building.  The Dean’s Office staff assists the Dean of the Yale Law School, who is its chief administrative officer, as well as the Deputy Dean, who is responsible for a variety of faculty issues.  Among other things, it is responsible for new programs, the coordination of the Named Lecture series, and faculty and visitor appointments and orientation.  The Dean’s Office acts as a general resource for the Law School, Yale, and New Haven communities.  If you are unsure of where to turn on any matter, the Dean’s Office can usually be of guidance and help. 

Dining Hall

The Derald H. Ruttenberg Dining Hall is located on the first floor of the main building.  It is open for breakfast and lunch Monday thru Friday, and hosts the Law School Happy Hour during the academic year.  Food for meetings, workshops and conferences can be ordered through the Dining Services website. Employees may purchase food using cash or purchase points (including bonus points at certain levels).  Points are purchased in the dining hall and utilized through the employee ID card.    

Early Learning Center

The early learning center is an on-site daycare facility for children up to 3 years old, for use by the Law School community.  For more information about the center, please visit YLS Early Learning Center or call 432-7640.  


The Yale emergency number is 911.  The Law School Security Desk is 2-8284.    

Employee Assistance Program

Yale University has an Employee Assistance Program, Yale Employee Assistance Program provided by Magellan Health Services, that is available as a benefit to employees and their families.  Personal problems at home, or those that may be affecting work, including depression, substance abuse, anger, stress, financial or family concerns, and other issues, can be handled confidentially through this program.  The toll-free number (24 hours a day/7 days a week) is: 1-800-327-9240. 

Employee Reimbursements

YLS uses Workday for expense reimbursements.  Check with the Business Office or your faculty support person regarding reimbursement of business-related expenses.  Please note that original receipts must be provided in order to be reimbursed.  Travelers are expected to submit reimbursement requests with required supporting documentation within 10 business days of incurring the expense or returning from the trip.  Out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. airfare, conference fees, mileage, hotel, meals, books, etc.) older than 120 days will NOT be reimbursed.  If you use personal funds to purchase airfare, pay conference fees, etc. in advance, you DO NOT have to wait until completion of the trip to submit these expenses- they can be reimbursed at the time they are incurred.  You may also refer to the complete Travel Policy 3301 at Policy 3301 Travel on University Business.  

Employee Service Center

Yale's Employee Service Center provides a centralized resource for employee benefits, payroll and personal information. 203-432-5552, FAX 203-432-5153, E-Mail: employee.services@yale.edu . You may contact the Employee Service Center, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 


Please see Employee Reimbursements (above). 

Express Shipping

Yale uses eShip Global for outbound shipping.  eShip Global can be used to create package labels and provides tracking information for FedEx, UPS, DHL and USPS.  Your supervisor needs to first approve access to this service. eShipGlobal.


Fax/scanning/copying machines are located in each department, and in most faculty support and faculty offices.  Maintenance/purchasing of staff area machines are coordinated through the Business Office. 

Financial Aid

Located in M13, Financial Aid reviews applications for aid, counsels students and parents regarding financial assistance, and runs the Law School’s COAP (loan repayment and forgiveness) program. 

Fire Drills 

See Safety

Fiscal Year

Yale University operates on a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through the last week in June.  This impacts paid time off accrual.  Other benefits, however, run on a calendar year.  Please see It's Your Yale for more details. 


Most forms used at Yale are now online at YLS Business Office  If you cannot find the form you need there, you can go to the It's Your Yale - University Policies & Procedures website.   For additional information contact the Business Office for assistance. 

Graduate Program

The Graduate Program office is located in entryway L on the fourth floor.  The program is responsible for all aspects of the Law School’s JSD, LLM and MSL programs.  Please contact 432-1681 for information on any of the graduate programs or the website YLS Graduate Programs.


Several departments have projects that are funded by grants.  Grants require special charging numbers and budget tracking.  Please contact the Business Office if you have any questions regarding a grant. 

Happy Hour

Held in the Dining Hall throughout the academic year, the free Law School Happy Hours are an opportunity to “mix” with students, faculty, and other staff members.  Please check the calendar for these events. 

Health and Safety

Please report any health and safety concerns to the Building Services supervisor at 2-4980. 


There are 8 official University Holidays (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day).  In addition, there are Recess Days (the Friday after Thanksgiving, the day before Christmas, and the week between Christmas and New Year’s).  Check with the Law School Human Resources office or the It's Your Yale for the current year’s schedule. 

Human Resources

The Law School has its own Human Resources office, located on the second floor of Ruttenberg Hall.  Law School employee issues, payroll, labor relations, social events, employee records, performance appraisal, training requests, and faculty support supervision are handled here. 

ID Center

The ID Center is located at 57 Lock Street, 1st Floor.  Law School employees and faculty need to have an ID issued to them when they begin working here.  Annual stickers to update the ID’s for the Law School are handled through the Law School Human Resources Office Room 277.  IDs are needed to access certain areas of the Law School (including the library), other University buildings, and the Yale Shuttle Service. Yale ID Center.

Information Technology Services

Located on the lower level of the Law Library (main building, center hallway), the IT Services Department handles all of the computing needs of staff, faculty and students in the Law School.  Hardware and software issues can be addressed by calling their help line at 432-0821 or checking IT at Yale.  


Injury on the job needs to be reported immediately to the Law School’s Human Resources office.  Refer to the Worker’s Compensation Guide to on the job injuries It's Your Yale.  

International Students and Scholars

The Office of International Students and Scholars is located at 421 Temple Street.  Students and visiting faculty need to complete the necessary visa, Form I-9 and related paperwork for their stay here through this office.  The Human Resources Department is available for consultation on this process. 

International Travel

Prior to arranging any international travel, it is recommended that you contact the Business Office for the latest information. 

Internet Use

There is a University policy governing internet use.  Please visit 1607 Information Technology Appropriate Use Policy for more information. 

Job Postings

Yale University job openings (including those for the Law School) are listed on STARS the University’s employment site It's Your Yale>Work at Yale. Both internal and external applicants must apply for all jobs through this site.  If you need to post a job opening for research assistants or bursary students, please contact the Law School Human Resources Department for assistance. 


The Yale Law Journal has its editorial offices on the fourth floor of the main building.  You may contact the journal office at 2-1622 for information.  In addition to the Law Journal there are eight student journals.  Since the student editors change you may contact the Office of Student Affairs if you need information about a student journal. 


Keys and electronic key tags are issued through the Building Services office.  Staff members and visitors who end their employment at the Law School must turn their keys in to the Law School’s Human Resources Office.  There is a $25.00 fee per lost key(s)/key tag(s). 

Law Library

The Law Library occupies four floors of the main building.  In addition to supplying books for faculty research, there is also a range of daily newspapers available for reading on breaks. Movies and current books of interest are available for short term borrowing. 

Learning Center

The Learning Center offers many courses for staff development.  They have an excellent Yale Center for Teaching and Learning with a listing of their current courses.  YLS Human Resources Department approval is necessary before taking courses here. 

Legal Services Organization

The Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization (LSO) operates a legal clinic for low-income New Haven residents on the first floor and mezzanine levels of Ruttenberg Hall.  LSO provides an opportunity for law students to work with real cases and clients, under the direction of a supervising attorney. Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization (LSO)

Mail Room

The faculty mailroom is located in the student commons area on the second floor of the main building.  Incoming campus and first-class mail, books, UPS, FedEx, and other courier shipments are handled here.  Faculty members have individual mailboxes, and departments have bins. Outgoing mail (including large mailings), campus mail, intra-office mail, and outgoing FedEx are also handled through the faculty mailroom.  Student mailboxes are across the hall. Mailroom questions should be directed to the Building Services manager. 

Meal Expenses

When traveling on business, meal expenses are reimbursed either on the basis of original receipts, or through a per diem reimbursement.  Please contact the Business Office for the current limits on meal expenses. 

MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)

Yale requires Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for access to most systems from off-campus. MFA enhances the security of your NetID by using your phone, tablet or other device to verify your identity when you login to the Yale network from offsite.  As part of your Law School setup you will be automatically enrolled in MFA and once enrolled, you will be required to use two-factor authentication. 


The per-mile amount that the University will reimburse for mileage incurred on business changes with every fiscal year.  The current per-mile figure is posted on the Business Office page of the YLS Inside Site. 


Is located under It's Your Yale. See payroll for more information. 


IT access is granted using an identifying NetID.  Please contact the IT department to have your Yale email account set up and for all of your other IT needs.

Office Supplies

A supply of frequently used items is available for order through the copy/supply room.  Supplies that are not stocked by the Law School supply room are ordered on an ‘as requested’ basis.  A supply order form should be completed and submitted to the mailroom.    


Whenever practical, overtime should be requested and approved by your supervisor in advance.  Overtime should be noted on the time sheet for the week in which the overtime was worked.  There is an overtime list maintained by the Law School Human Resources Office, and further information is available there. 


Yale has fee-based parking for staff.  Lot assignments are made through the office of Parking and Transit.  Shuttle bus service is available from most of the parking areas.  Parking vouchers are also available through Parking and Transit, and allow on-street parkers to take advantage of multiple-hour spaces.  Contact 432-9790 or Yale Transportation for more information. 


The Law School Human Resources office is responsible for staff and student payrolls. MyTime tracks paid time off for both C&T and M&P staff. See your supervisor for instructions on the use of MyTime.  Time sheets for students and casual employees are set up through the Law School Human Resources office. 

Per Diem

Please see Meal Expenses

Paid Time Off

Paid time off at Yale is dependent upon the employee category and the date of employment.  Please see the university benefits information available online at It's Your Yale.                      


The copiers in the file rooms (245, 345 and Ruttenberg Hall) require copy codes.  These are available from the Business Office.  The limit on these machines is 50 copies, and no book copying is allowed because of the damage it causes to the laser in the machine. Large jobs and books are sent to YPPS for copying.  


Posters for your event can be ordered from YPPS through the Office of Public Affairs.  Please note that posters require the approval of Building Services before they can be put up in the Law School. The number of posters is limited to ten. 


The printing of books, special pamphlets, and similar materials is handled through the Office of Public Affairs.  Other printing jobs are done through the 

Yale Printing & Publishing Services.  Please contact the Public Affairs office with printing questions. 

Public Affairs

Located on the mezzanine level of Ruttenberg Hall, the Office of Public Affairs serves as the public relations arm of the Law School in dealing with national and international media and the Law School’s external web site.  This office is also responsible for the oversight of printing Law School materials such as the Facebook, letterhead, business cards, posters, and other materials; as well as the oversight of such projects as the historical portraits in the Alumni Reading Room. The Office of Public Affairs can assist in publicizing your events.  Media questions of any nature should be directed to them. Information is located at their website Office of Public Affairs.

Quick Forms

These are online forms used for a wide variety of purposes throughout the University at It's Your Yale - University Policies, Procedures, Forms and Guides.  


The Law School participates in the University-wide single-stream recycling program.  Boxes for white paper recycling and shredding are located in department offices.  There are also large recycling containers in the student commons area, and near several of the elevators.  Single stream recycling allows you to deposit cans, bottles and other glass, hard plastics and metals in the same bin with mixed paper. . Questions about recycling can be directed to Building Services, or refer to Yale Recycling . 


Located on the first floor of the main building, the Registrar’s Office is responsible for signing up students for courses, assigning classrooms and times for courses, proctoring exams, and for maintaining student academic records. 

Room Reservations

Reserving a classroom, conference room, or other Law School space is done through Building Services via email at Room Reservations. 


It is everyone’s responsibility to take safety seriously.  If a fire alarm goes off, you are to leave the building.  Once outside, someone will direct you where to go.   Keep your office doors locked when you are away from your desk, or if you are in an open area, lock up your purse or other valuables even if you are only going to be gone for a minute.  The University is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  When walking, stay alert to your surroundings.  If it is dark outside and you do not have a companion, please always contact the University escort service at 432-WALK.  The number for Campus Police is 911.  There are also “blue phones”, identifiable by a blue light, placed in various locations around campus that call the police directly.   

Shuttle Service

The University operates a campus shuttle bus, which runs on a regular schedule to and from various points across campus.  Please note that you must have a current Yale ID to board.  ID stickers are available through the Law School Human Resources office. Please refer to Yale Transportation for more information. 

Sick Time

How much sick time an employee gets is dependent upon the category of employee and the date of hire.  Please refer to It's Your Yale website for accurate information.  Sick time can be taken in days, or in quarter-hour increments for doctor appointments.  Please notify your supervisor if you are ill and cannot come to work.  Faculty support staff should notify the Law School Human Resources office. 

Staff Lounge

The staff lounge is located on the Mezzanine level of Ruttenberg Hall.  Coffee, tea, milk, hot and cold water are provided at no charge to staff.  There are also microwaves, refrigerators, a freezer, tables, chairs and a paperback book exchange available for your use.   


File, book, and furniture storage is handled both on-site and off-site by Building Services. 

Student Employment

Students are often hired by departments and professors to perform research, computer, or clerical tasks.  Any requests to hire a student must first be approved, in writing, by the Associate Dean for Finance and Administration.  Then, a short job description is submitted to the Law School Human Resources office, located at 133 Wall Street, Room 277 which posts it online with student employment.  Once a student is hired, the Human Resources office must set them up in the University payroll system before they can start working.  

Summer Hours

The Law School closes its staff offices at 4:30 p.m. (rather than 5:00 p.m.) after graduation.  These hours remain in effect until just before the start of the fall semester.  Also, depending on your department’s needs, flextime and/or compression may be available during the summer.  Human Resources sends out the details and dates annually. 


“The Table” is a large table located in the main hallway in front of the Student Lounge.  It is a popular meeting spot for students, and is an information center during orientation and other events. 


Assigning of visitor telephone numbers, ordering or changing telephone service, and telephone repairs are handled by Building Services. 


Staff training is done through several different venues.  The Law School IT Services Department holds many job-related computer classes in the summer. The Law School Business Office provides training on Workday for those processing reimbursements.  The Law School Human Resources office also brings in trainers on different topics.  The Yale Center for Teaching and Learning offers many courses, most at some cost to the school.  To enroll in a class with the Learning Center, you must obtain prior permission from your manager/supervisor and the YLS Human Resources Department. 

Transit Options

New Haven is located between Boston and New York City, and is easily accessible.  Visitors from points on the East Coast often choose to travel by train to the school.  New Haven is served by Amtrak (including Acela Regional Service), and the Shoreline East (which runs from New London to Stamford).  Some travelers drive or fly into either the major NYC airports, Tweed airport in New Haven, or Bradley in Hartford.  Connecticut Limousine service, local taxi service, and some private livery services are available.  Please check with the Business Office for the current policy on using these carriers. 


Please see Business Travel

Unions (Locals 34 and 35)

There are currently two unions at Yale.  Clerical and Technical staff (C&T’s) are represented by Local 34.  Service and Maintenance workers are represented by Local 35.  If you are a C&T, the union representing you will contact you sometime during your probationary period.  You should have received information about your union dues obligation during your University orientation.  The union office is located at 425 College Street, 2nd floor (624-5161). 

University Closings

Yale rarely closes due to inclement weather.  However, you can check It's Your Yale in the case of extreme conditions; or you can call 432-SNOW.   

University Policies: 

Most University policies can be found on the central web site 

It's Your Yale - University Policies, Procedures, Forms and Guides. Law School specific policies are available from the Business Office. 


UPS packages are delivered to the faculty mailroom, on the second floor of the main building.  If a package arrives for you (or your faculty member), you will be notified to pick it up.  Questions regarding UPS services and other carriers should be directed to the mailroom staff. 

Vacation Requests

Staff are encouraged to use their vacation time in the summer months, when there are no classes in session.  Staff should request vacation time from their supervisor(s) as far in advance as possible.  Faculty support staff should request vacation through their faculty and the Law School Human Resources office.  Summer vacation request forms are sent out by the Human Resources office each spring. 

Visiting Lecturers and Professors

Visitors who are teaching at the Law School are assigned a staff member for support (through the Law School Human Resources office), and an office (through Building Services).  The Business Office should be consulted prior to a visitor’s arrival to ensure that any related expenses will be properly prepared for processing. 

VPN (Off-Campus Access)

When accessing Yale network resources from off-campus you must establish a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection. There are two ways to use VPN on your computer. The first is to use the Any Connect software, provided by Yale. The second is to use the website Access Yale


The Wall is a section of wall located to the left of “The Table” in the main hallway.  Members of the Law School community may post information or comment on others’ postings.  It is customary to sign your posting with your name or initials.  For rules regarding the Wall, please contact the Associate Dean 432-4041. 


Workday Chart of Accounts.  These are the charging instructions that identify different accounts for the purposes of payment, and are assigned by the Business Office.  Virtually every transaction that involves money, service, or supplies requires a WDCOA.  Please contact the Business Office if you have any questions about which WDCOA to use. 

Web Pages

Internal web pages are maintained by the individual departments.  Submissions for the external web site should be submitted to the Office of Public Affairs. 


Workday is the campus-wide Human Resources and Financial information system. Workday’s functionality allows faculty and staff to view and manage information related to their benefits, pay, and personal information. You can login to Workday by using this link Workday

Worker’s Compensation

Please see Injury


Please see Conferences. 

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