WiFi Setup

WiFi Setup


Setting up Yale WIFI

Yale Secure WIFI network

Upon arrival on campus please setup your devices to connect to the internet via the Yale Secure Wireless Network.


  • Secure access to the Yale Network

  • Available in all campus buildings


See below for instructions

Iphone or iPad

Mac Laptop

Windows Laptop

Setting up an iOS device

How to Connect to YaleSecure wireless on your iPhone or iPad. This must be done when you are on campus.


  1. On the Home screen tap the Settings button.


Tap Wi-Fi.

Toggle Wi-Fi (ON\OFF) switch to ON.  Tap YaleSecure

Fill in the requested information and then tap the Join button.

  • Username: yale\YourYaleNetID (Example: yale\abc123)

  • Password: Your NetID Password


Tap Accept to finalize the connection to YaleSecure.


You are now connected to YaleSecure.

Connecting a Mac Laptop to Yale Secure

  1. Click the wireless icon in the Apple menu bar, and then select YaleSecure


Enter the User Name in the form of yale\YourYaleNetID (example: yale\abc12) and enter your Yale NetID password. Be sure that Remember this network is checked, and then click Join.

Verify the YaleSecure certificate by clicking "Continue."


You might be prompted for your local user account name and password. Enter your Mac User Name* and password, and then click OK.

*This is the user name you use when you log into your computer.

Connecting a Windows 10 laptop to Yale Secure


In the taskbar, near the time, click the wireless icon.

You'll see a list of available networks. Click YaleSecure.

Be sure that Connect automatically is checked, and then click Connect

Enter usernameyale\YourYaleNetID (Example: yale\abc12) and your Yale NetID password, and then click OK.

A notification will pop-up prompting you to connect. Click Connect.

If the connection is successful, Connected will be listed below YaleSecure.



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