Research Assistants
To Request Research Assistance
Visiting Professors may hire up to two Yale Law students as research assistants. You must request approval for assistance by an email message to Associate Dean Joe Crosby and Ashley Mello. The message need not be long but should indicate the following:
The period of time (e.g., for the fall or spring semester, for the academic year)
A description of the need or project for which you are requesting assistance
The number of hours per week and, if known, the name(s) of the assistant(s) you plan to hire. During the academic terms, students may not work more than 19 hours per week.
Once your request for assistance is approved, email the name(s) of the student(s) to Jennifer Young ( Jennifer will manage the process of contacting the student(s) with detailed information they will need to receive payment. Student requesting to receive academic credit should contact the Registrar’s Office.
To Advertise for Research Assistants
Post the position through the law school’s online posting system that your administrative assistant will be familiar with.
Your Administrative Assistant can also be helpful in recruiting RAs through postings in the building.